UPDATE: Review by Joey Seiler on Statesman's Austin360 blog, March 2
UPDATE 2: Review by Spike Gillespie on Austinist.com, March 3
UPDATE 3: Review by Ryan E. Johnson on Austin.com, March 4
UPDATE 4: KUT's audio piece on Arts Eclectic, March 18
UPDATE 5: Review by Hannah Kenah in the Austin Chronicle, March 19
Received from Hyde Park Theatre:
Next week at Hyde Park Theatre: "a jewel of a play, laugh-out-loud funny and slyly touching." Just to warm you up:
LILY: Let's have an arm wrestle.
DANNY: What?
LILY: We are about to have an arm wrestle and I call loser gets beer.
DANNY: I'm not going to have an arm wrestle.
LILY: Because you know I'll win an arm wrestle.
DANNY: You're being really stupid. And weird.
LILY: How else are we going to decide who gets the beer?
DANNY: We could flip a coin.
LILY: No. This is the only way. I call.
DANNY: You can't call something like that.
LILY: Well, too bad, I just did.
DANNY: I don't want to have an arm wrestle.
LILY: Come on! Please just have an arm wrestle with me? Dad just died.
Yes: the world premiere of Bombs in Your Mouth by Corey Patrick explodes at HPT next week.
More later, but for now: mark you calendar for next Friday, February 27, when playwright Corey Patrick will fly in, and we'll celebrate with a post-show party 'n' schmooze catered by New World Deli.
Need more reasons to come? Try two of Austin's finest actors: Liz Fisher (Featuring Loretta, The Seagull) and Joey Hood (The Glory of Living, Have You Ever Been Assassinated?)--directed by HPT Artistic Director Ken Webster (ACOT Best Director for The Pillowman and Dog Sees God).
Bombs in Your Mouth runs at 8:00 PM on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, February 26 - March 28, 2009. Tickets are $18 ($16 for students, seniors, and ACOT members) on Fridays and Saturdays. Thursdays are pay-what-you-can. Purchase tickets online or call 479-PLAY for reservations.
Hyde Park Theatre is located at 511 W. 43rd Street. Covered off-street parking for the patrons of HPT is available in the lot at 4315 Guadalupe Street, just north of The Parlor. You can drive through The Parlor's parking lot to reach it. Evening HPT parking also available at Kenneth's Hair Salon, just south of HPT, and at the Hyde Park Church of Christ on the northeast corner of 43rd & Avenue B. We are grateful to them all for their generosity.
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