UPDATE: review by "theatrelover" received as a comment on another post here, May 6: I just saw "Little Shop of Horrors" now playing at the Palace in Georgetown. Wow! One of the best shows plaing in this area. The gal playing Audrey is fabulous - her voice is beyond compare. She has been in a number of the Palace shows and has always impressed me with her talent, looks and professionalism. I always try to see everything she appears in. Actually, all the principals in this show are great - very talented. I recommend this to everyone in the Austin area. I saw the a professional production and really, this is better. It is hilarious, creative, and played out so well. I cannot understand why it is not being hyped in the entertainment press, radio and tv. It is worth the price and then some.
From the website:
Little Shop of Horrors
Written by Alan Menken & Howard Ashman
May 1 to May 31, 2009: Fri, Sat at 7:30 PM, Sun at 2 PM
Parental Guidance Suggested: May be scary for young children.
A down-and out skid row floral assistant becomes an overnight sensation when he discovers an exotic plant with a mysterious craving for fresh blood. Soon “Audrey II” grows into an ill-tempered, foul-mouthed, R&B-singing carnivore who offers him fame and fortune in exchange for feeding its growing appetite, finally revealing itself to be an alien creature poised for global domination!
One of the longest-running Off-Broadway shows of all time, this affectionate spoof of 1950s sci-fi movies has become a house-hold name, thanks to a highly successful film version and a score by the songwriting team of Howard Ashman and Alan Menken, who redefined the animated musical film with Disney’s “The Little Mermaid”, “Beauty And The Beast” and “Aladdin.” Charming, tuneful and hilarious, with tongue firmly planted in cheek, “Little Shop Of Horrors” never fails to entertain.
Prices: General: $22; Senior(55+): $20; Student: $12
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I'm glad I found your website, I too was wondering why this show isn't getting much attention in Austin. My friends and I went to see it last Saturday and I have to agree with this review, it was a really great show. Cliff Butler, Matt Burnett and Patty Rowell were absolutely wonderful and "Suddenly Seymour" gave me chills! Better than the movie, folks - go!