I’m in a brand new show. A musical at that. Playing a dominatrix henchwoman cult member. Obviously, not your average musical. This one is dark and clubby, and not written by musical theatre people. Instead it has been in development for three years by local musician/performance artists Stanley Roy and Jeremy Roye (geniuses), and directed by the uber-talented Kelli Bland. Part of the reason that I haven’t been posting much lately is that I am in rehearsals after work almost every day, dancing my ass off. I love the music in this show. I know you will too. And you’ll have a chance to hear some of it this weekend. We are staging this without a company all on our own, and we are having a glorious FUNd Raiser this Sunday at Salvage Vanguard to try to raise some more much needed revenue.
Faster Than the Speed of Light! The Fundraiser is here this Sunday!!!
Salvage Vanguard Theater
2803 Manor Road
Hosted by Rebecca Havemeyer!
Sneak Preview of songs from the original sci-fi musical, Faster Than the Speed of Light!
Ariel dance by Nicole Whiteside (Blue Lapis Lights)!
Dance trio, Little Stolen Moments!
Door Prizes!
French lounge act, Le Sexy!
Heart breakers, Hello Lovers!
Disco dance after-party with Dj Bill and Mos Jef!!! (post 10pm)
5 - 20 $
See clips of the performers and a more complete listing of all the fun here. Come out, come out, it will be fun and it’ll be good to see you.
Thanks for spreading the good word Michael! Hope you'll be there for the fun.