The Man With A Flower In His Mouth
By Luigi Pirandello
Translated by Eric Bentley
Directed by Tyler King
Southwestern University
March 26-29, 2009
8pm | Thursday - Saturday
3pm | Sunday
Heather McGaughey Rehearsal Hall
The play is a one-act ”dialogue” which takes place between a man who is dying and a peaceful businessman who has missed his train. In other words, between someone who intensely lives the little time left to him and someone who is rich with time to spend idly and irresponsibly, waiting for the morning train and entirely absorbed in the usual affairs of life.
"We’re like so many puppets hung on the wall, waiting for someone to come and move us or make us talk."
– Luigi Pirandello, Henry IV
Pirandello (1867–1936)—the Italian playwright, novelist and short-story writer—was winner of the 1934 Nobel Prize for Literature. With his invention of the “theatre within the theatre” in the play Six Characters In Search of An Author, he became an important innovator in modern drama.
Box Office (512) 863-1378
Heather McGaughey Black Box Theater (SWU Fine Arts Center)
Southwestern University Fine Arts Center 1001 E. University Avenue Georgetown, TX 78626
Full map and directions
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