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Time Steps
the 11th annual Out of Ink Ten Minute Play Showcase
March 26-28 and April 2-4, 2009 @ 8 PM
Blue Theater, 916 Springdale Road
Reservations: info-at-scriptworks.org/ 512-454-9727
Flashbacks, maternal admonitions, and all kinds of dances promenade through Time Steps, the 11th annual Out of Ink ten-minute play showcase. Eight plays were selected from submissions created during a 48-hour writing retreat, called the Weekend Fling. During the Fling, writers are given three “ingredients” and two days to write their hearts out and create a ten-minute play.
This year’s ingredients were:
1. The play must go backward, from beginning to end
2. Include a sudden dance break that causes a shift in the action
3. Include three things your mother told you not to do
At the end of the Fling, the plays were read in an ASW Salon at the State Theater. A selection committee picked eight of the plays to produce in the Out of Ink Festival. The selection committee included Michael John Garces, Artistic Director of Cornerstone Theatre in Los Angeles, Natalie George, local producer and lighting designer, and Emily Fordyce, ASW board member.
The Time Steps scripts were written by:
Katherine Catmull, Aimée Gonzalez, Meg Haley, Max Langert, Marshall Maresca, Susan McMath Platt, Sarah Saltwick and Timothy Thomas.
The plays will be performed by an ensemble of actors including Kelli Bland, Kenneth Bradley, David Dubose, Kathleen Fletcher, David Gallagher, Anne Hulsman, Michelle Keffer, Rhonda Kulhanek, Christopher Loveless, Nicole Marosis, and Zeb L. West.
They’ll be directed by T.J. Gonzales, Heather Huggins, Ellie McBride, and Christina J. Moore .
Tickets: $12 general admission, $10 students/seniors/ASW/ACoT
March 26 is a Pay-What-You-Wish preview
KUT-FM AUDIO FEATURE on the 2009 Out of Ink Festival
Interviews of Time Steps playwrights on Austinist.com, by Jooley Ann, March 25:
Marshal Ryan Maresca
Tim Thomas
Max Langert
Meg Haley
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