UPDATE: Review of Mr Z Loves Company by Wayne Alan Brenner in Austin Chronicle of April 16
Received March 2:
RUBBER REPERTORY proudly presents:
Mister Z Loves Company
An X-Rated Self-Help Odyssey
Created and Directed by Matt Hislope and Josh Meyer
Produced in association with VORTEX Repertory Company and the Fusebox Festival.
"Mister Z Loves Company takes the topic [of sex] beyond the limits of taste previously witnessed in Austin theater." --Michael Barnes, Austin American-Statesman
Look out! Rubber Repertory strikes again with a revival of their cult hit from 2003. Join the immaculately dressed Mister Z and his chorus of naughty maids for an evening of musical comedy thrills and performance art spills that are definitely not for the squeamish. With the help of two tiny organs, an old steamer trunk, and an army of phallic substitutions, Mister Z's id will be unleashed in ways you'll never forget. Adults only.
The cast of Mister Z Loves Company includes Rubber Repertory Co-Artistic Directors Matt Hislope and Josh Meyer in the title roles, with Amie Elyn, Carlos Treviño, Andreá Smith, Angelica Mcauley, Mikaela Thomas, and David Yeakle as the naughty maids. Featuring a whimsical original score by Adam Sultan and scenic design by Lowell Bartholomee.
At The VORTEX, 2307 Manor Rd. Austin, TX 78722 Friday, April 10-Saturday, April 25. Thursday-Sunday at 8pm.
Tickets: Pick-Your-Price: $30-$10 $30-$25 Priority Seating, $20-$15 General Admission, $10 Starving Artists
Available at 512-478-LAVA (5282) or www.vortexrep.org Limited seating. Advance purchase recommended.
ABOUT RUBBER REPERTORY Since 2002, Co-Directors Josh Meyer and Matt Hislope have created some of the most unique theatre in Texas. With shows such as The Casket of Passing Fancy (2007 Rockefeller MAP Fund grant), RED CANS, At Home With Dick, and the American premiere of Wallace Shawn's notoriously "unstageable" A Thought in Three Parts, Rubber Rep constantly pushes boundaries and creates work that's high on invention and surprise. Their productions have garnered B. Iden Payne and Austin Critics Table Awards for "Outstanding Theatrical Innovation," "Outstanding Direction," "Unique Theatrical Experience," and "Outstanding Late-Night Adventure." For more information, visit www.rubberrep.org.
Rubber Rep photos from the 2003 production
Rubber Rep photomontage from 2003 production
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