UPDATE: Review by Avimaan Syam for the Austin Chronicle, July 1

UPDATE: Robert Faires' 2000-word feature in the Austin Chronicle on the origins, ensemble work and prospects for Re-Psyche, with interviews of director Marie Brown and actor Tom Truss,June 24
UPDATE from Lisa Scheps of KOOP-FM on her June 21 program "Off Stage and On the Air": "First up were folks from Re:Pysche playing at the Blue Theatre now through July 18th. Who was there? I'll tell you... we had two cast members, Rudy Ramirez and Verity Branco; we had the director, Marie Brown; we had the producer and co-creator, Tom Truss; and we were also joined by the Stage Manager (my old job), Michael Mussey (who did an awsome job playing the track and not being able to hear!!) They did a scene from the show that was Hill-Air-Re-Us!!!"
Received directly:
Second Hand Theater presents re:Psyche
a mythic love story for the google age conceived and written by Director Marie Brown, Playwright Jenny Connell, Actor Tom Truss & the Ensemble.
Directed by Marie Brown, Music by Mother Falcon
Designed by Sonja Raney and Kevin Beltz, Lighting Design by Eric Lara
June 24 - July 18 Thursdays-Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 7 p.m.
Wednesdays June 23 & July 7 "pay what you can night" special fundraiser -- all proceeds go to the BLUE THEATER
TICKETS: sliding scale $10-$20. Reservations 888-666-1257 or buy them online at: www.secondhandtheater.com
Blue Theater 916 Springdale Road (512) 927-1118
WHY: Because love stories never get old.
Click for more information, images and video at AustinLiveTheatre.com . . . .
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