GACA, formerly the ACOT, the Austin Circle of Theatres, has picked up the torch for World Theatre Day. This just received directly:
Call for Proposals: SPECT[ACTOR] World Theatre Day Event March 27, 2010, all over Austin
Proposals due by January 11, 2010 by email to exchangeartists@gmail.com
March 27, 2010 is World Theatre Day - designated by The International Theatre Institute (ITI) and observed as a day for the celebration and empowerment of theatre artists and audiences around the globe. This year The Exchange Artists are teaming up with the Greater Austin Creative Alliance to organize a World Theatre Day event titled SPECT[ACTOR] in Austin, TX.
Austin’s celebration of World Theatre Day, SPECT[ACTOR], will include a full day of theatrical happenings in non-traditional settings around town, turning the unsuspecting public into participants and witnesses of random acts of theatre. A team of inconspicuous videographers will capture all of the random acts of theatre that they can on camera and an evening screening of the evidence of the day will bring everyone together to enjoy discussion and a reading of the World Theatre Day International Message through which at the invitation of ITI, a figure of world stature shares his or her reflections on the theme of Theatre and a Culture of Peace. The first World Theatre Day International Message was written by Jean Cocteau in 1962. Last year Augusto Boal wrote the message. This year’s author is yet to be confirmed. The evening will be streamed live online, directly connecting Austin, TX to other theatre communities all over the world. A potluck and party will close the day’s celebration.
All theatre artists are encouraged to submit proposals for random acts of theatre that they would like to stage around town as a part of the World Theatre Day SPECT[ACTOR] event. Why not dance on the blurry line between reality and performance and give the gift of theatre to someone who doesn’t expect it? The Exchange Artists and The Greater Austin Creative Alliance are not obtaining legal rights or protection for performances in public places, so thoughtful and respectful planning is required. Proposals are due by email to exchangeartists@gmail.com by January 11th, 2010 and an informational meeting for confirmed participants will be held on January 13th -17, 2010.
Read more at AustinLiveTheatre.com . . . .
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