UPDATE: GACA A-Team review by Ross Scarano, January 11
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Salvage Vanguard Theater Puts Artists to Work with "Works Progress Austin 2010," including
Over The Garden Wall
by Ruth Margraff
a staged reading of the new parlor play
directed by Jenny Larson
The production features actors Robert Pierson, Mark Stewart, Jamie Rhodes, La Tasha Stephens, and Jason Hays.
Nationally acclaimed playwright Ruth Margraff's band Café Anastarsia will perform before the play.Tickets are $10 at the door.
The Salvage Vanguard's annual Works Progress Austin (WPA) - the development project that gives artists a playground to develop new works - returns on January 8th through 24th. During the course of three weeks, a variety of actors, writers, directors, dramaturges, and musicians are given the opportunity to incubate and experiment. Inspired by Roosevelt's Works Projects Administration, Salvage Vanguard's program aims to put artists to work.
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