Wednesday, January 8, 2014

(*) Jump-Start Performance Company Moves Out of Blue Star, Express-News, January 7, 2014



Jump-Start bids farewell to Blue Star

By Deborah Martin : January 7, 2014

SAN ANTONIO — Billy Muñoz was a little startled last weekend to discover that the stage at Jump-Start Performance Co.'s current home in the Blue Star Arts Complex was gone.

“I felt a little saddened by it,” said Muñoz, who became a Jump-Start company member in 2002. “I don't really pray, I don't really do any of that. But any time that I did a show, I would go and touch the stage and just kind of have this moment — 'Treat me well.' And now it's gone.”

That particular ritual will continue in a different form before he takes part in “Performance Party 29: Wrecking Ball” on Saturday, he said: “I'll touch the platforms or the floor.”

ARTheism Samantha Beasley Toher Sipes Jump-Start Performance San Antonio TX
ARTHeism by Samantha Beasley and Topher Sipes (photo: Kevin Bradley)

The stage — along with virtually everything else that the company has accumulated in its 20 years in the space — has been moved out. “Performance Party 29: Wrecking Ball,” which starts at 7 p.m. Saturday, will be the company's final performance in the Blue Star Arts Complex.

Jump-Start learned in April that its lease was not being renewed. After a few months of hunting, they found a new home in a cozy spot at 710 Fredericksburg Road, in the heart of the nascent Beacon Hill arts district.


Read CTXLT article of December 31 about Jump-Start's Wrecking Ball fundraiser

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