Michelle Cheney has a lot of fans and friends in this town -- enough to fill up the 85-seat City Theatre in direct competition with the Superbowl. Mind you, the feminine persuasion was visibly in the majority, probably having abandoned their men friends to the Nachos, beer and television as they went off to enjoy Michelle's patter, song, wit and costume changes.
Michelle Cheney has often appeared on Austin stages, but she made an early confession: she is not/NOT a native Texan. She comes from Utah, and she emphasized her non-Texanity with her deliberately goofy choice of hat for the very funny, Austin-specific parody of Evita ("Don't cry for me/I've gone to Texas. . .").
You may have seen her as Sister Mary Amnesia in City's Nunsense last summer. She pops on a wimple over her evening frock to reprise that character's Loretta Lynn moment in "I Could've Gone to Nashville."
She's not just a voice, as you know well if you saw portray dramatic roles in Talking With and The Shadow Box, both done last year by NxNW Theatre Company.
Read more at AustinLiveTheatre.com . . . .
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