proudly presents a Sunday afternoon of Gilbert & Sullivan delights as Artistic Director Ralph MacPhail, Jr. – Master of Ceremonies of the event – reveals hidden mysteries and surprises in the ingenious
The Yeomen of the Guard
Audience favorites Janette Jones, Dan Girardot, Russell Gregory, and David Fontenot will perform various selections from Yeomen – accompanied by Martha Dudgeon.

- A song cut immediately after the opening night performance in 1888, as the lovesick Head Jailer of the Tower of London reveals his broken heart – with perhaps the most sensuous lyrics in all Gilbert & Sullivan.
- One of the most famous tenor songs in G&S that Sullivan composed three times.
- The original Finale to Act I, cut to save time, that caused friction between its creators.
- The rollicking but often cut duet by Dame Carruthers & Sergeant Meryll at the end of Act II, that features one of Gilbert's favorite words – Rapture – and also includes a secret plot element.
- Hear Sergeant Meryll's lost song, cut after the opening night, in which he reflects on the passing of time and his pride in his son, the valiant Leonard, who's "come to join the Tower Warders."
This performance will preview the summer 2010 Grand Production of The Yeomen of the Guard, to be performed June 10-20. Last performed by the society in 1997, Yeomen is a richly textured show that is the closest thing to grand opera in the G&S repertoire.
Both Gilbert & Sullivan considered The Yeomen of the Guard to be their favorite collaboration. Its story is lofty and its score is magnificent, and yet it loses not one bit of the fun and frivolity that are hallmarks of G&S shows. Its hauntingly beautiful tunes, colorful pageantry, and topsy-turvy storyline have captivated audiences for well over 100 years.
Location for the March 7 musicale:
Genesis Presbyterian Church
1507 Wilshire Blvd | Google Map
Please Bring Munchies!
See You There !
Sunday, March 7th at 3 p.m.

The Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Austin
PO Box 684542 / Austin, Texas / 78768-4542 / 512.472.4772 / info@gilbertsullivan.org

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