Just announced by the City's Cultural Arts Division in its February monthly newsletter:

"Federal Tax Overview for Individual Artists"
When: Thursday, February 18, 12:30 - 2:00 p.m.
Where: Austin City Hall, Boards and Commissions Room
This workshop will focus on the tax obligations of self-employed artists. We will cover tax issues on the local, state, and federal levels, so that individual artists can be in compliance with the applicable laws. A focus on deductible expenses and record-keeping tips will help individual artists take the deductions they are entitled to while maintaining the documentation to support his or her tax return. Artists will leave the workshop not only with information on their tax obligations and reporting requirements, but also with information on the business development resources available to them in the Austin area.
Instructor: Andrea Beleno / Texas Community Building with Attorney Resources (Texas C-BAR) (sponsored by Texas ReoGrande Legal Aid)
Instructor: Andrea Beleno / Texas Community Building with Attorney Resources (Texas C-BAR) (sponsored by Texas ReoGrande Legal Aid)
Register Now! http://taxesforartists.eventbrite.com
"Establishing a Texas Nonprofit Corporation"
When: February 22, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
When: February 22, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
Where: ACC HIghland Campus
Barry Silverberg, Director of the Center for Community-Based & Nonprofit Organizations at Austin Community College, will instruct attendees about (1) the decisions required prior to and in filing a Certification of Formation; (2) the fundamental requirements for operating a Texas Nonprofit Corporation; (3) the Texas Business Organization Code Chapter 22 that governs Texas Nonprofit Corporations; and (4) bylaws and other governing documents.
Register Now! http://txnonprofit.eventbrite.com
"Federal Tax Overview for Non-Profit Arts and Culture Organizations"
When: Tuesday, March 9, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
Where: Austin City Hall, Boards and Commissions Room
This session will provide an overview of federal tax issues that affect 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations. Our discussion topics will include approaches to the redesigned Form 990, with a focus on the IRS' inquiry into good governance practices; conflict of interest and executive compensation. We will also cover issues an organization should consider when undertaking an expansion or reduction of program services.
Instructor: Frances Leos Martinez / Texas Community Building with Attorney Resources (Texas C-BAR) (sponsored by Texas ReoGrande Legal Aid)
Instructor: Frances Leos Martinez / Texas Community Building with Attorney Resources (Texas C-BAR) (sponsored by Texas ReoGrande Legal Aid)
Register Now! http://taxesforartsorgs.eventbrite.com
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