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Shards of Love
by Paulette Macdougal
Feb 12th - 28th, 2010
Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 3 p.m.
Eight stories, eightcouples, Eight less-than-perfect relationships. From a couple in their twenties to a couple in their nineties, these short comedies explore love, marriage and commitment in farcical, funky, wistful, sweet, and murderous variations.
This play was created especially for the Valentine season of Paradox Player's 10th anniversary year. Paulette MacDougal is also the author of Waiting for MacArthur, which was seen on this stage in 2003.
Shards of Love is directed by Lisa Foster, Charles R. Hill, Joni McCLain, Ann Edwards
Howson Hall Theater, First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin
4700 Grover Avenue
Tickets: $20 Opening Night Gala (Friday, February 12, 8 p.m.)
$20 Valentine's Day Gala (Sunday, February 14, 3 p.m.)
$15 all other performances ($10 for seniors and members of groups of 10 or more)
Reservations by web or by phone at 512-744-1495. Purchase via Paypal.
FREE CHILDCARE for matinee performance on February 14 if reserved by February 7. For childcare reservations please email childcare@austinUU.org or phone 512-452-6168, ext 12.
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