Ever wonder about the melodrama scene where the dastardly villain ties his victim to the railroad tracks? No, it didn't originate with Snidley Whiplash and Dudley Dooright, though that may be where you first saw it. Jay Ward was copying it out of a long tradition of silent movie serials that drew on saloon theatricals.
Credit for the notion goes to New York theatre empresario Augustin Daly, in his 1867 production of this play, Under The Gaslight, which he wrote. And the railway scene is a bonafide thrilling moment in that sentimental drama, especially when the cast directed by Shelby Brammer plays it all absolutely straight, without a whisper of irony. Perhaps you'll be surprised to find that the victim is not the innocent maiden -- in fact, the innocent maiden is clever and plucky enough to free the prisoner just before the express train comes tearing through for New York City.
Austin Community College students step back 140 years for this one, mightily aided by pro actors David Yeakle, Paul Mitchell Wright and Arthur Adair.
Read more and view images at AustinLiveTheatre.com . . . .
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