Received indirectly from Jane Seibert, consultant to the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Houston:
"We [at the City of Austin Cultural Arts Division] are collaborating with UT College of Fine Arts to bring Bernard Havard, Executive Director of Walnut Street Theater in Philadelphia, to Austin in mid-February. The Walnut Street Theatre is the oldest theatre in America, celebrating 200 years in 2009.
"Bernard Havard came to the Walnut Street Theatre in 1983 and 'persuaded the Board to establish a not-for-profit, self-producing regional theatre. He then built a subscription audience from zero to where it is today—57,000, the largest in the world.' (Please see article on Havard and a short bio from the theatre's website, below.)
"He will be in Austin on February 14 and 15 with a talk planned for UT staff, students, and the local theatre community the afternoon of Monday, February 15 (time and place is being determined). I am writing to you to SAVE THE DATE and to ask you if there is anything in particular you would like to hear Havard speak about.
"It has been suggested to him that people would like to hear 1) how so successful a theatre company as Walnut Street is coping in these hard economic times, 2) his thoughts on how the Philadelphia Cultural Alliance is or isn’t working (our new Creative Alliance is in part inspired by the Philadelphia Cultural Alliance), 3) Havard’s own ideas of what he would like to talk about, and 4) what YOU would like to hear him talk about.
"#4 is the other reason why I am contacting you. Is there anything in particular that you would like to hear Havard address? Please respond to this email with your suggestions by the end of the day on Tuesday, January 19.
Janet Seibert
Click to view article on Walnut Street Theatre and Bernard Havard, published in ShowBiz magazine, July/August 2008 (pdf file in black and white, 784 kb)
Read more about Havard at AustinLiveTheatre.com. . . .
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