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Tex-Arts, Lakway
September 25 - October 11, 2009
Friday and Saturday 7:30 PM
Sundays 2:00 and 7:00 PM
Nunsense is about five of 19 surviving “Little Sisters of Hoboken,” a one-time missionary order that ran a leper colony on an island south of France who discover that their cook, Sister Julia, Child of God, accidentally killed the other fifty-two residents of the convent with her tainted vichyssoise while they were off playing bingo with a group of Maryknolls. Upon discovering the disaster, Mother Superior had a vision in which she was told to start a greeting card company to raise funds for the burials. From there, you can imagine just how funny it gets! Nunsense includes solo star turns, madcap dance routines, and an audience quiz. It’s positively “habit forming!”
Tickets at NowPlayingAustin
Info Phone: 512.474.8497
Kam and James Morris Theater
2300 Lohman's Spur Austin, TX 78734
Hey Michael - Are you planning to review this show. I would like to know your take on it.
ReplyDeleteLakeway's a long way from central Austin, and the tickets are $30-$40, a premium price that reflects the quality of Tex-Arts programming, plus a $5.50 service fee to NowPlayingAustin. I reviewed Nunsense at the Georgetown Palace last year and at City Theatre Austin this year. The Lakeway production is just too far and too much for my budget, because I'm seeing 3 or 4 productions a week, out of my own pocket. Looking at my calendar, I could probably get to a Sunday night production only. I'll probably reserve my budget for Tex-Arts' Christmas program, I'll Be Seeing You, and certainly for The Glass Menagerie in spring.
ReplyDeleteHi again - I saw this play yesterday. You should really make the effort to see it. It is so much better than the other Nunsense plays you covered. The direction is impeccable and VERY professional. The nuns are terrific, with a special kudos to Sr. Amnesia played by Patti Rowell, whose voice is awwesome, amazing. The other nuns are excellent, but she is superior. Actually, the entire play overwhelms.
ReplyDeleteNick Lopez at Tex-Arts has generously made available a ticket so that ALT can review Nunsense. I'll be there on Sunday evening, October 4. Looking forward to it, and to writing about it.
Revising the previous -- I have a rehearsal conflict on Sundays that makes it very difficult to get out to Lakeway in time. I have e-mailed Nick Lopez to see if Tex-Arts has a folding chair they can give me for Thursday the 8th, instead. MM