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a performance by Stephen Pruitt
Salvage Vanguard Theater, Studio Theater.
Friday and Saturday nights, July 15 - 30
Tickets:$12 in advance, $15 at the door
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Every moment you exist your brain is filtering out thousands of bits of information it deems unnecessary to your survival. At all moments of your life, you are surrounded by wildly fluctuating electrical currents floating through the air, each one of them carrying things like music, ideas, secret codes, pictures, love letters - all of it flowing right through you. We perceive most of the world around us only when a tiny piece - the smell of coffee, the sound of an air conditioner kicking on, a glint of light offa window - draws our attention to it, but there is an enormous amount of information that we never perceive, but that surfaces anyway - in dreams, myths, distractions.
Encryption is an exploration of what lies on the edges when we’re not paying attention, and what happens when nothing is expected. It involves stories about late night DJs, flying monsters and ufos, secret codes, short wave radios, and yes, death.
Encryption was originally created as an experiment in live radio performance for the 2009 Fronterafest Short Fringe, under the title TBA. There will be six performances in the Studio Theater and Salvage Vanguard from July 15 - 30, 8 p.m., on Friday and Saturday nights.
Stephen Pruitt: In 1967, the town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia was possessed by one of the strangest widespread paranormal events ever documented, as hundreds of people saw UFOs, were visited by Men in Black, and reported seeing a huge flying creature with red eyes, dubbed Mothman. Stephen Pruitt was born shortly thereafter, just forty miles South of Point Pleasant, in Huntington, WV.
After slacking through the initial few years, he has been a seedsalesman, an aerospace engineer, a photographer, a film projectionist, a writer, and most often and recently, a lighting and scenic designer. In Austin, Stephen has worked with the Rude Mechanicals, Trouble Puppet Theater, St Edward’s University, Tapestry, Forklift, and Kathy Dunn Hamrick Dance, among many others. His scenic and lighting designs have been nominated for numerous awards in both the scenic and lighting design categories, and he won the Outstanding Lighting Design award from the 2010 Austin Critics’ Table. Encryption is his first full solo performance since 2006.